
China is coming. They are entering the European motorcycle market – watch the gallery

When MotoMari arrived at the EICMA motorcycle show in Italy in November, the other Estonians were already there. MotoMari, or Maria, had her leg in a cast following an accident at the Alakonnu roadbook rally and was moving around the show in a rented wheelchair. She happened to run into the people from Tartu Motohoov in the corridor and asked what interesting things the men had discovered at the show. Besides the Chinese products, they found many electric vehicles and plenty of rally version bikes. There were also many motorcycles from completely unknown manufacturers, which can be seen in the gallery.

Gallery: private collection

The men unanimously agreed that electricity was the big theme of the first day. “Everywhere you look, there’s Chinese electric stuff: motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, all sorts of bikes! Even small delivery trucks,” noted Motohoov mechanic Jaan Kübarsepp. He added that there was also an enormous amount of Chinese products, from batteries to clothes and small gadgets. Margus Halling, who works in the same position at the same company, pointed out that one of the four large halls they visited was entirely dedicated to Chinese products.